Yumee Eun: From Within

February 7-28, 2020
Yumee Eun: From Within
Opening reception: Friday, February 7, 5:00-9:00 PM
Gallery hours: Monday-Friday, 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM

From Within, is artist Yumee Eun’s expression of being through paint and poetry.  It is her invitation to her viewers to feel the stillness and emptiness one experiences through meditation.   Her hope is to share the emotions and feelings from her own visions that cannot be spoken, but better experienced through colors, textures, hard lines in charcoal, and the unpredictable nature of crackle.

In this exhibition, Yumee connected her poetry and art as a way for her viewers to feel hopeful from the experience of chaos, heartbreak, and hardship.  She sees the crackle pieces in her work as the trials and life experiences in which people are destroyed, yet, can also come through, see into, and explore the light within themselves and be reborn from it.

Her poetic words are there to accompany the viewer and inspire and invoke hope and calmness.

She feels attached to the clean and straight lines created on fresh backgrounds as she uses charcoals to define her subjects in portrait form.  And then, there are the “fated-lines” of that show through in crackle as her pieces dry.  Her simple use of materials conceal complex and deep- rooted messages, and are part of what make her work so alluring.

Through her work, she hopes to share that, “Art is a pathway to eternity.”  A way to see through the pains and trials on earth, and a way to find light and courage from the places within and beyond ourselves.

From Within, is Yumee’s second showcase as an upcoming artist.  It is a continuation from her first exhibition that also showcases her poetry in conjunction to her artwork.  She worked diligently over the year to put together a fresh look on charcoal portraits, crackle perspective, and poetic inspirations.

She invites you to join her in this showcase to not only see her work, but to take in the experience.  She believes that art is a beautiful way to bring people together who may have difficulty with expressing themselves through words.

The guiding force behind her unique style and thoughtful poetry is sharing and opening the mind, heart, and eyes; to give her viewers an invitation to explore the chaos of life and the trials of the journey within, and also show that hope, opportunity, and possibilities are exposed to us through each cracked line.

Welcome to her art journey!


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