Works by Reem Arnouk

January 6-28, 2023
Works by Reem Arnouk
Opening reception: Friday, January 6, 5:00-9:00 PM
Gallery hours: Monday-Friday, 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM and Saturday, January 28 (only), 10:00 AM – 1:00 PM. Closed Mon Jan 16.

My art consists of acrylic, mixed media, and watercolor paintings. Art has been my way to connect and reach out to different people from many cultures or backgrounds. In the vast variety of cultures and humankind, we are all still one and we connect through our passions. We strive to find common ground to connect with each other. Art in all its forms has been my common ground to it all. This exhibition theme represents passionate professional dancers and normal people who just enjoy life. It amazes me how people express themselves in different forms, enjoy the beat and music, and translate it into movement. I wanted to represent my vision of life and dance in this form so that viewers may feel the energy and life from these art pieces.

Reem Arnouk has been a professional artist since 2018 and an art instructor at Painting with a Twist Studio since 2019. She is self-taught and has studied Small Business Management and Entrepreneurship with five courses of Art. She was born and raised in Syria and came to the United States in 2013; she has been amazed by the many open doors in the arts. She loves Tennessee for the inspiration of nature that it has. Knoxville, especially, has supported many local artists and makers, and she is thankful to be involved in their maker society. Arnouk has participated in several art shows and markets in the past few years within Knoxville, including First Friday art shows and vendors markets. She was recently sponsored as an emerging artist with Dogwood Arts in the Old City Market and has been commissioned for several live wedding paintings.

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