Visit the Emporium

Our street address is 100 S. Gay Street, Knoxville, TN 37902. We are located on the corner of Gay Street & Jackson Avenue in downtown Knoxville. Please stop by for a self-guided visit! Admission is free, and exhibitions are generally appropriate for all ages.

Upcoming hours: The Emporium is open to the public Monday-Friday 9 AM – 5 PM and Saturday 10 AM – 1 PM (through Sat May 10). We are open certain weeknights as well; please see the Upcoming Exhibitions page for additional hours which may vary month to month!

Be sure to join us every First Friday of the month (we open at 2 PM that day) for gallery receptions from 5-9 PM for our upcoming exhibitions: Apr 4, May 2, Jun 6; and July 11* Second Friday opening. The Emporium will be closed Mon Apr 21 for the holiday.

Learn more about our tenant organizations and artists.

Throughout downtown Knoxville, a digital payment system called ParkMobile replaces the use of coins and credit cards and requires use of an app: App Store | Google Play
Within the app, users indicate parking zone or license plate, choose how long to park, and pay. The app reminds you when your parking is about to expire.

This area offers hundreds of parking spaces within a couple of blocks! Options include:

  • Jackson Ave Lot (caddy-corner from the Emporium on the same level as the railroad tracks at 401 W. Jackson Avenue). Payment required Mon-Fri 8 AM – 6 PM at $1/hour or $7/max for a day; FREE NIGHTS AFTER 6 PM and WEEKENDS.
  • Crowne Plaza Garage (one block south from the Emporium at 401 W. Summit Hill Drive). Payment required 24/7 at $15/day.
  • Back-in metered parking spots on the Gay Street viaduct and along Depot Avenue and South Central Street just beyond the Emporium. $1/hour with a 4-hour limit. Payment is required Mon-Sat 8 AM – 8 PM; FREE NIGHTS AFTER 8 PM and SUNDAYS. Vehicles must be moved after the 4-hour limit as meters cannot be reloaded.
  • Metered parking spots along the 100 block of Gay Street and small surface lot on the 200 block (across from where W. Vine Ave connects to Gay St). $2/hour with a 2-hour limit. Payment is required Mon-Sat 8 AM – 8 PM; FREE NIGHTS AFTER 8 PM and SUNDAYS. Vehicles must be moved after the 2-hour limit as meters cannot be reloaded.
  • Free Parking is available on the street along Magnolia Avenue (two blocks north of the Emporium), in the lot at the corner of Gay Street and Magnolia Avenue (under the I-40 overpass), and in the Old City (Lots North and South): and

See for other parking options in downtown Knoxville.

Currently, there are three options for loading in items to the Emporium (artwork for exhibitions, items for private events, equipment, etc.):

  • Through the front doors (60” wide) – requires carrying items either down two flights of stairs or up one flight of stairs. If parking spots are unavailable, vehicles can pull up near the intersection of Gay/Jackson, put on hazard lights, and unload through the front doors if person intends to unload for fewer than five minutes. If the person needs to stay longer, they should unload the items inside the Emporium and then park their car elsewhere before returning to the Emporium.
  • Through the lower side entrance on Jackson Avenue (standard door width) – requires carrying items down approximately eight steps and navigating two 90-degree turns. This side door is an exit-only door with no outside handle, so someone will need to be on hand to open the doors from the inside. Cars can pull up to the curb to unload.
  • Via the passenger elevator on the opposite side of the Emporium. About 100 feet south of the Emporium front doors is a metal catwalk on the left adjacent to the courtyard, and a staff person would need to help you enter the building this way. You would ride the elevator down one floor to enter the Emporium Gallery.

If you need help accessing any of our programs, please contact us at 865-523-7543 or

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