Vazeen’s Expressions

October 7-29, 2022
Vazeen’s Expressions
Opening reception: Friday, October 7, 5:00-9:00 PM
Gallery hours: Monday-Friday, 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM and Saturday, 10:00 AM – 1:00 PM

Years ago, I got bumped into the art world by accident, and being able to express myself through arts has been a superb experience since that time. Because of my technical background and my deep interest in technology and science, the use of technology as a tool of creation has been a dominant component of my creative work. For a long time, I explored the deep etching of my designs into metals where the etched pieces became the base for further manual, photographic and color manipulations. The driving force behind my work has always been the desire to experiment; I consider all my work as ongoing experiments. Because of 3D printers, model-making of structures is less challenging, and I have shifted my concentration to artistic structures. While people are normally attracted to the structure’s appearance, structures may also be an art of engineering when observed from a technical viewpoint. I plan to develop the small and unrefined structural models in this exhibition by infusing practical usefulness, enhancing the quality and creating much larger models.

Jon “Rooz” Vazeen loves to connect with people and organizations that have an interest in creating structures in much larger dimensions. An easy and quick way to create huge, segmented 3D-printed structures is to have a large group of people each contributing one or more segments.

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