Townsend Artisan Guild: The Best of Us

October 4-25, 2019
Townsend Artisan Guild: The Best of Us
Opening reception: Friday, October 4, 5:00-9:00 PM
Gallery hours: Monday-Friday, 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM

This new exhibition, presented by the Townsend Artisan Guild, features original art by 20 artists including fiber arts, charcoal, pen and ink, oils, watercolors, acrylics, photography, pottery, woodworking, and mixed media. The Guild is excited about the opportunity to present the breadth and quality of these artists who live and work in the East Tennessee area.

Founded in 2007, the Guild brings together working fine artists and fine crafts persons to promote education, exploration, awareness, and development of arts. The group of approximately 80 members strives to promote community interest in and appreciation of the arts through participation in events, demonstrations, classes, festivals, and workshops.

The Guild operates the Townsend Artisan Guild and Studios at 7719 East Lamar Alexander Parkway in Townsend, where juried members display and sell their work, and artists work in their studios. The art represents a wide variety of visual arts and is rotated frequently to represent the continued creativity of its displaying artists.

Membership in the Guild is open to working artists, aspiring artists, and those supporting the arts. Meetings are held on the first Tuesday of each month at the Wood N Strings Dulcimer Shop, 7645 East Lamar Alexander Parkway. The meeting includes a business meeting, a program, and a time for fellowship. Guests are always welcome to attend. For more information, please find them on Facebook at Townsend Artisan Guild, or e-mail

The Guild will present the eleventh Smoky Mountain Fiber Arts Festival, April 23-25, 2020 to continue the fiber arts traditions and emerging trends.  Classes, demonstrations, and vendors, offer workshops, fibers and tools, and completed projects represented by a “Sheep to Shawl” theme.

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