The Big Camera! and A1LabArts: Camera Obscura II

January 3-31, 2020
The Big Camera! and A1LabArts: Camera Obscura II
Opening reception: Friday, January 3, 5:00-9:00 PM
Gallery hours: Monday-Friday, 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM.
Please note, the Emporium will be closed Monday, January 20, for the holiday.

This juried call for artwork features photo and time-based media such as collage, mixed-media, darkroom work, digital manipulation, historic processes and more by local and regional artists. Awards will be chosen by the public with a Best in Show: The Cathy & Bernie Award of $500.

In collaboration with Donna Moore, John Allen and Anna Lawrence, The Big Camera! is an ongoing project: a modified enclosed cargo trailer that functions as an extra-large (6’x10’) format camera as well as a portable classroom and community outreach vehicle for A1LabArts. The Big Camera! was made possible in large part through the Ann and Steve Bailey Opportunity Grant. The group has taught classes or demonstrated photography in places such as the Community Law Office’s youth art program, the Emporium Center, Central Filling Station, and area K-12 schools. The Big Camera! is intended to share the magic of photography though making its principles hands-on, allowing photography to come alive in a new way for many who encounter it.

A1LabArts is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization founded in 1995 by a group of local artists and dedicated to multi-disciplinary and experimental exploration of contemporary art issues in all media.

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