Steve Rehn: A Day in the Life

February 5-26, 2021
Steve Rehn: A Day in the Life
Opening reception: Friday, February 5, 5:00-8:00 PM
Gallery hours: Monday-Friday 9 AM – 5 PM

Artist’s Statement:
Life inspires art, and art captures life.

While this collection of images is eclectic (watercolor, colored pencil, graphite, charcoal, cut-paper), it follows the theme of representing important people, places and events in my life that have inspired artistic interpretation. Perhaps by viewing these pieces, you can share in my journey of developing artistic skill by creating meaningful and lasting visual memories.

Artist Biography:
Having lived in the state of Washington during the entirety of my first six decades of life, the majority of my artwork has revolved around depicting the beauties of the Pacific Northwest, in particular its coastal regions. Now that I live in Eastern Tennessee, I am discovering the joys of mountain views, of which there are plenty, and beginning to build up a collection of art that reflects my new surroundings. I have been interested in art since childhood, but began watercolor in earnest approximately twenty years ago. It was always “just a hobby” in conjunction with the busy demands of a teaching career and raising a family. Largely self-taught, I have accumulated a personal library of instructional books which have been read, re-read, underlined, and referenced many times. Now in retirement, watercolor remains my medium of choice, and I strive to attain new levels of personal achievement, confidence, and even mastery in this realm. I have, however, also ventured into drawing as a compelling (and portable) medium, exploring techniques in graphite, charcoal, colored and watercolor pencils.

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