Smoky Mountain Quilters of Tennessee

March 1-30, 2024
Smoky Mountain Quilters of Tennessee
Opening reception: Friday, March 1, 5:00-9:00 PM
Gallery hours: Monday-Thursday, 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM; Friday, 9:00 AM – 7:00 PM; and Saturday, 10:00 AM – 1:00 PM. Closed on Friday, March 29.

In honor of National Quilting Day on March 16, members of the Smoky Mountain Quilters of Tennessee (SMQ) are mounting an exhibit of more than 30 stunning quilts which illustrate the breadth of hand and machine techniques and the many reasons for making a quilt. Some are prize-winning works of art, while others were made for pleasure and daily use. Every quilt has a story behind it, and each quilter shares the inspiration for their creation as part of the exhibition. For example, one quilt commemorates 30 years of work by missionaries to translate the Bible into the native language for the people of Papua, New Guinea. Another quilter used leaves collected from her birthplace in Norway for a resist dyeing technique. A third SMQ member worked on a quilt depicting the promise of recovery while her younger sister was being treated for breast cancer.

“This exhibition is a celebration of the diverse talent of our membership and the many reasons we quilt,” said Merikay Waldvogel, SMQ member and the exhibition organizer. “None of us quilt solely for ourselves; it is a way to express our feelings through our art and to communicate with others when words are not enough. We hope this exhibit helps increase understanding of how quilts enhance our lives and bring us pleasure and comfort, whether we are the makers or the recipients of these beautiful works.”

The SMQ Educational Fund in memory of Peggy Garwood, a long-time member and master quilter, is underwriting the exhibition. SMQ typically meets on the first Tuesday of each month at 6:30 PM at Messiah Lutheran Church in Knoxville. SMQ strives to: advance the knowledge and appreciation of the craftsmanship, artistic expression, and historical significance of quiltmaking; sponsor and support charitable projects to provide encouragement to those in need; and promote friendship through shared activities. SMQ’s approximately 100 members range from novice to master quilters in diverse quilt styles, including traditional and art quilts, complex and minimalist modern designs, miniatures and bed-sized, and hand- or machine-stitched. For more information about Smoky Mountain Quilters of Tennessee, email

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