Sheila Chesanow: Long Term Parking

March 3 – April 1, 2023
Sheila Chesanow: Long Term Parking
Opening reception: Friday, March 3, 5:00-9:00 PM
Gallery hours: Monday-Thursday 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM, Friday (except Mar 17) 9:00 AM – 7:00 PM, and Saturday 10:00 AM – 1:00 PM.

When driving down the road in the countryside in Tennessee, it is common to see abandoned beauties on the properties of people who never had the time to keep up with the maintenance of their vehicles. Often, the car will sit for years in the location where it last ran, waiting to be worked on with the potential to somehow wake up and drive happily down the road again. Quietly rusting away is both beautiful and depressing; automotive enthusiasts will be reduced to crying bittersweet tears at the sight of these rusting beauties.

Born and raised in Hackney, Ohio, Sheila Silvus Chesanow first started taking photographs with a Brownie Hawkeye camera as part of a 4H project. She continued to take “snap shots” of family and friends over the next several years. Always interested in art and photography, she took a college level black and white film course and learned to develop her own images. Her love of photography grew, and she studied black and white photography with Terry Lindquist at Fredonia State. During this time her work was exhibited in the gallery of the Stockton, New York, Library and was published in the Best of Photography Annual twice. She purchased her first digital camera in 2015 and began to transfer the knowledge of film photography to digital. In the last few years, she has studied photography at Lee University with Tom Kilpatrick. Chesanow has received numerous awards both locally and nationally, and her photos have been published in books and magazines. She has exhibited in Arts in the Airport, Mayors’ Shows, and at the Emporium Center in Knoxville; the Mayfield Gallery at the E.G. Fisher Public Library, Fullers’ Frame Shop and The Art Center in Athens; Gallery on Main in Sweetwater; Richard Low Evans Gallery in Blue Ridge, GA; and the Cato Institute in Washington, DC. Her work is also in private collections in Japan, Alabama, Arizona, California, Georgia, Kentucky, Minnesota, New York, Ohio, Oregon, Tennessee, Washington, and Washington, DC. Chesanow focuses on nature and fine art photography which is reflected in her work.


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