UT College of Law Free Law Clinic on November 7, 2018

The Arts & Culture Alliance is pleased to present a a free workshop with Eric Amarante, Law Professor at the University of Tennessee Law School and director of the Community Economic Development Clinic. The workshop will be geared toward artists and other creative people and takes place on Wednesday, November 7, from 5:30-6:30 PM at the Emporium Center in downtown Knoxville.

Although the workshop is FREE to attend, we ask you to kindly RSVP to sc@knoxalliance.com or 865-523-7543 to help with planning.

If you plan to attend the workshop, please feel free to submit any legal questions you might have with your RSVP. During the session, Eric will also be answering questions including:

  • How do I copyright my work as an artist?
  • How can I better understand my rights/responsibilities under a gallery contract?
  • What are my rights/responsibilities under my studio lease?
  • What to do if jury duty conflicts with my work schedule?
  • Which state’s sales tax guidelines govern the transaction when I’m selling work across state lines?
  • How can I safely and legally sell my artwork online?
  • What control do I retain over artwork I have sold?

The University of Tennessee College of Law welcomed Eric Amarante to its faculty in the fall of 2017. Before joining the UT College of Law, Amarante taught for four years at the University of Nevada Las Vegas William S. Boyd School of Law. At UNLV, Amarante taught contracts and small business law; he also directed the Small Business and Nonprofit Legal Clinic. Prior to teaching, Amarante worked with Sullivan & Cromwell’s corporate group in Palo Alto and the business transaction group of Davis Wright Tremaine. At the University of Tennessee, in addition to his teaching, Amarante will assist non-profit businesses through work with the Community Economic Development Clinic. https://law.utk.edu/directory/eric-franklin-amarante/

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