Recovering the Creative Child Within through The Artist’s Way on September 17, 2019

The Arts & Culture Alliance is pleased to present a professional development seminar for artists and other creative people on Tuesday, September 17, from 4:30-5:30 PM at the Emporium Center in downtown Knoxville. Join us as we welcome Barbara Andrew. Remember her? Remember him? You know who they are. Those naturally-curious, creative children we were when younger – the ones with wild minds, colorful crayons, and music magic on our lips. Where did they go, and how did we lose touch? During this one night seminar, Barbara Andrew, a clay and fiber artist, will share her experiences re-connecting with her own inner creative child using tools presented in Julia Cameron’s book, The Artist’s Way. Using practices from this book, Barbara has successfully busted through many of the blocks that kept her from fully re-uniting with her best Creative Self. She hopes by sharing her experience, others will be encouraged to consider taking their first steps on their own creative recovery journey.

Additional Creative Recovery Seminar, September 24 – October 8
As an addendum to the one-hour seminar, Barbara will also offer a 3-week seminar based on The Artist’s Way. Through group support and encouragement, participants will explore the use of Morning Pages, Artist’s Dates, simple fun tasks and creative projects, and conversations among group members to learn how all might transform new insights into creative breakthroughs. The hope is that by the end of the seminar, each participant will have received enough tools and confidence to continue on the creative recovery road back to her/his own precious and delightful creative child within. The three additional seminars take place on Tuesdays, 6:30-8 PM: September 24, October 1, and October 8. Class size: minimum of 5 participants, maximum of 12. Fee: $45. Please register by September 24.

Upon registration, it is recommended to purchase The Artist’s Way by Julia Cameron, as well as check out any related articles easily found on the internet. For any further information, please contact Barbara at


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