SIMPLY INSTAGRAM on May 12, 2020

Update on Monday, March 30: This seminar has been canceled.

The Arts & Culture Alliance is pleased to present a professional development seminar for artists and other creative people on Tuesday, May 12, from 4:30-5:30 PM (new date!) at the Emporium Center in downtown Knoxville. Join us as we welcome Eva Heider.

This course is a hands-on Instagram class for small business owners and passionate social media fans who want to take their online representation to the next level. The topics of the class are:
– having fun with your feed and stories
– improving your grid with free apps for picture editing, graphic designs and scheduling
– growing your following by using my step-by-step guide

Instagram ads, selling on the platform and online safety will not be a part of this class.

ABOUT Eva Heider

Eva Heider (M.Sc. Architecture) was born and raised in Germany. After she studied Architecture at the RWTH Aachen, she worked in the field for two years. In 2016, she and her husband had the chance to move to the US where Eva started to volunteer at the Knoxville Museum of Art and to become an online entrepreneur. Working as an entrepreneur made her realize how important it is to find, work, and share your knowledge with like-minded people. Instagram @gingerbychoice

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