Following your passion on March 19, 2020


The Arts & Culture Alliance is pleased to present a professional development seminar for artists and other creative people on Thursday, March 19, 4:30-5:30 PM at the Emporium Center in downtown Knoxville. Join us as we welcome Lisa Gifford Mueller.

Passion is what gets us excited. It’s that thing we’re most enthusiastic about. Too often people find themselves in a career that no longer inspires or gives them satisfaction. Our interests change. What inspires us changes. How we want to spend our time changes. Lisa will lead attendees through the process of discovering their true passion and deciding how they want it to impact their life by following a simple plan. Attendees will leave with a guide to discovering what they’re most enthusiastic about and tools to create an uncomplicated plan to make it part of their life as well as how to give themselves permission to change and grow as their passion evolves.

Lisa Gifford Mueller is a creative entrepreneur who is currently following her passion of riding bicycles and getting more people on bikes. In order to pursue this passion, she put her fused glass business, Sassy Glass Studio, on hiatus in 2016 and started working in a bike shop while continuing to operate a successful commercial and event photography business, ALM Photo, alongside her husband. Lisa fell in love with mentoring creative business owners and artists and uses her nearly 20 years as a creative business owner to guide them in following their dreams of making a successful business. She has also taught workshops on social media, starting an Etsy shop or creative business, photography and more.

Follow Lisa on Instagram at @allthingssassy.

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