“Artists and Art in the Gig Economy” on January 24, 2019

The Arts & Culture Alliance is pleased to present a professional development seminar for artists and other creative people on Thursday, January 24, from 5:30-6:30 PM at the Emporium Center in downtown Knoxville. Join us as we welcome Amy Fletcher!

This one-hour session focuses on opportunities for artists in the new “Gig Economy.” Artists, writers and musicians have always needed to navigate the old gig economy of freelance work and commissions. What is different today is the number of opportunities created by new technologies, apps and platforms. These digital tools enhance our ability to reach and communicate with a wider audience and to establish a distinct identity within a crowded market. Open to artists of all kinds, including beginners, this session provides:

  1. An overview of major social media tools and platforms that artists can use to reach a wider audience.
  2. Strategies for building your Artist’s Platform.
  3. Tools for developing resilience to the inevitable ups and downs of the gig economy life.

The presenter, Amy Fletcher, combines work as a teacher with freelance public speaking, consulting and writing gigs. She is currently pursuing a degree in Art History and enjoys working with individuals and groups who want to better understand the implications of new digital technologies for their lives, work, and communities. Audience input and the sharing of personal experiences are encouraged in this session.


Amy Fletcher (PhD, University of Georgia) is a native of Knoxville, who moved to Christchurch, New Zealand in 2000 to take up a Lecturer’s position in political science and politics. Her area of expertise is the cultural and social dimensions of new technologies, and she specializes in public communication of science and technology. She is currently working on a B.A. Honours degree in Art History at the University of Canterbury, with a focus on how artists such as Andy Warhol have historically used new technologies both to produce art and to navigate the professional art market.

PowerPoint Slides

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