Sam Stapleton: Hidden Dimensions

May 6-28, 2022
Sam Stapleton: Hidden Dimensions
Opening reception: Friday, May 6, 5:00-9:00 PM
Gallery hours: Monday-Friday, 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM, Saturday, 10:00 AM – 1:00 PM.

I have photographed flowers persistently for more than a decade, always in search of some new aspect or insight I’ve previously overlooked. I’ve frozen them, pulled them out of the neighbors’ trash, buried them in sand, and pulled them apart petal by petal to reconstruct them into imaginary new creations, all in search of some revelation about the source of their continual beauty. This exhibit reflects my quest for new dimensions within individual flowers using the power of digital processing to reimagine their original portraits.

Sam Stapleton’s photographic journey has been almost 50 years in the making, beginning with the purchase of his first 35mm SLR in 1974. He is largely self-taught in that he has no university degree or formal certification pertaining to photography, or even the arts in general. Instead, he has learned his craft through years of dedicated workshops, professional magazine assignments with his author wife and lots of hands-on practice and experimentation. Most important, he studies the work of other photographic artists, always asking himself “what are they doing”, “why are they doing it this way” and “how can I learn from it”.

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