Regina Tullock: Life Around A Little Pond & Big Birds of the Lake

January 4-25, 2019
Regina Tullock: Life Around A Little Pond & Big Birds of the Lake
Opening reception: Friday, January 4, 5:00-9:00 PM
Exhibition hours are Monday-Friday, 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM. Please note, the Emporium will be closed on Monday, January 21, for the holiday.

Regina (Gina) Tullock has been exploring the ways life becomes art for the past 28 years, beginning with her work as a middle school educator. Through her professional career, she has nurtured young people to give expression to their creativity through art, drama, and photography. Her pioneering work with students, when computers were first developing into a viable artistic medium, paved her own way to her current mode of artistic expression. Through combining photography, graphic art, and a fine artist’s eye for texture, color, and composition, Tullock creates photographic prints that take on the look and character of oil paintings. Her work blends both a photographic realism with an artistic interpretation, creating a medium that uniquely engages on both levels, leaving the viewer to experience a deeper truth behind what meets the eye.

Tullock’s artwork includes images take around a little pond around her garden, bird life on Fort Loudon Lake, and along roads around the lake.

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