Recent Work by Cody Swaggerty

April 7-29, 2023
Recent Work by Cody Swaggerty
Opening reception: Friday, April 7, 5:00-9:00 PM
Gallery hours: Monday-Thursday 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM, Friday 9:00 AM – 7:00 PM, and Saturday 10:00 AM – 1:00 PM. Closed Mon Apr 10.

Cody Swaggerty is a self-taught artist who has had an interest in art since a child. In college, he briefly studied multimedia and graphic design. Later in his mid-20s he rediscovered his interest in more traditional art when he started his first canvas paintings. From there he began doing larger paintings and murals in Strong Alley which gave him the opportunities to start doing paid work for area businesses. Cody has done work for local CrossFit gyms, Knox County Schools, City of Knoxville, and other businesses wanting to spruce up their spaces. Recently he’s been focused on creating works for an online store where he can continue to make and sell art while having more time for his family. In Cody’s spare time he enjoys watching sports, seeing his childhood friends, and riding through Knoxville in his vintage VW bug.

The foundation to my work is chasing my curiosity and excitement for art. There’s nothing I enjoy more than creating and trying to progress my artwork. I try to be well rounded and jump from murals, to molding and casting sculptures, canvas paintings, graphic design, and more. One reoccurring theme in my work is lots of color. I’ve always been fascinated with colors, lights, etc., and being a child of the 90s, I always seem to be drawn towards a brighter color palette when creating. Overall, I want to continue to explore different mediums and find unique ways to blend what I’ve learned to become best artist I can be. I like to work in a variety of different mediums to keep myself interested and challenged; these pieces are a representation of that.

Instagram @cswaggerty |

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