Portrait Show by Booder Barnes

April 2-30, 2021
Portrait Show by Booder Barnes
Opening reception: Friday, April 2, 5:00-8:00 PM
Gallery hours: Monday-Friday 9 AM – 5 PM. 
Please note, the Emporium will be closed on Monday, April 5.

Booder Barnes moved from New York state to Tennessee 25 years ago. In New York, he studied oil painting with Larry Zingale. He joined A1LabArts after moving to Knoxville and has been an active member throughout the years. Barnes took watercolor classes with Betsy Worden at the Candy Factory, and he studied handbuilding clay sculpture with Annamaria Gundlach. In 2011, he began making short films with University of Tennessee Professor Norman Magden, and they formed Magboo Productions to develop their ideas.

For this exhibition, Booder Barnes has taken images of family and friends and portrayed them with paint as he imagined them cast as characters in a comic book or play.

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