Patsy White: The Locals

July 5-26, 2019
Patsy White: The Locals
Opening reception: Friday, July 5, 5:00-9:00 PM
Gallery hours: Monday-Friday, 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM. Please note, the Emporium will be closed on Thursday, July 4.

Facebook: FerrellWhiteArt

Instagram @FerrellWhiteArt

I’m a 21st Century working class creative. I am self taught and self employed and have been fortunate enough to make a living as a full time creative for almost 20 years. My passion is painting portraits but I’m not afraid of paint or stain of any type and have also found a niche in interior design with the artist’s touch.

I’ve only been sharing my art work since July of 2017 when I entered a painting in a local music inspired competition. Much to my surprise, I won best of show and was encouraged to move forward in developing my style and discovering that my work does hold up. In the fall of 2018, I was fortunate enough to place among the finalists in an international competition which earned me a spot in a group exhibit in Manhattan NYC.

I’m inspired by a great facial or other physical expression that reveals something about the subject. Something about their sense of humor or emotional state. A twinkle in the eye, tilt of the head, or telling smile that suggests they are concealing much more than they are telling. Artists are very interesting characters and Knoxville is full of them. I hope those who view my portraits will be intrigued by the ever changing cast of characters in my body of work.

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