Pam Hamilton: The Woman Within

April 5-26, 2019
Pam Hamilton: The Woman Within
Opening reception: Friday, April 5, 5:00-9:00 PM
Gallery hours: Monday-Friday, 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM. Please note, the Emporium is closed on Friday, April 19, for the holiday.

The Woman Within
This partial collection of paintings by Pam Hamilton is a celebration of women and the strength that comes from within. The exhibition features acrylic and mixed media paintings on canvas. Rough texture and cracking paint underline the contrast to the femininity of Hamilton’s figures.

Artist Statement
With varying degrees of abstraction, I paint about silence and solitude – essential moments in life. You will sometimes see other figures share the space, as solitude is only one facet of our lives. The surface of the painting is critical and I spend time with the texture and colors. Embracing the unexpected, layers are built up, wiped off, and painted over. My appreciation for things aging and well worn shows through in the hints of cracking paint and textured surfaces that evolve as I work.

I grew up in Springfield, Illinois riding my bike and playing kick-the-can, when everything was groovy. The coloring book was my first canvas. Somewhere in the middle of college, I put down my crayons and brushes to study graphic design. After a successful design career, and the addition of a husband and two kids, I’m back to brushes and canvas. It’s not a glamorous life – toting around paintings in the back of a mini van – but you could still say I’m the luckiest girl in the world! I get to do what I love with full support of a cool family. My life is back to groovy.

Pam Hamilton is a visual artist born and raised in the Midwest. In 2016, she relocated to the Southeast and now calls Knoxville home. She received a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree from Southern Illinois University, specializing in illustration and visual communications. Pam’s work has been the subject of solo exhibitions throughout the Midwest. She has participated in numerous group exhibitions in both Chicago and Knoxville. Her work can be found in private collections, internationally. Pam has received numerous awards and grants for her work. Presently, Pam creates art out of her home studio. She has curated exhibitions in both Chicago and Knoxville, taught classes, and mentored up-and-coming artists.

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