Out of Hand by Lesley Eaton, Melissa Everett and Colleen Thornbrugh

September 3-25, 2021
Out of Hand by Lesley Eaton, Melissa Everett and Colleen Thornbrugh
Opening reception: Friday, September 3, 5:00-9:00 PM
Gallery hours: Monday-Friday 9 AM – 5 PM and Saturday 10 AM – 1 PM. Please note, the Emporium will be closed on Monday, September 6. 

In 2019 Lesley Eaton, Melissa Everett and Colleen Thornbrugh formed a brain trust to encourage one another in their work as artists. As things continued to get “out of hand” in 2020, their encouragement provided vital connection with each other and with their own creative expression. This show is a collective exhibit of new projects in acrylic, mixed media, and textiles created from 2020-2021 and features creations by each individual artist as well as works that reflect shared inspiration and materials. While each artist’s voice is uniquely her own, the connectivity of sharing over the past couple of years is evident through the rich layers and tactile expressiveness of each piece.

Lesley Eaton
Instagram: lesleyeatonart

Melissa Everett:
Instagram: mne_textiles

Colleen Thornbrugh
Instagram: sunfacestudio

The exhibitions are on display at the Emporium Center, 100 S. Gay Street, in downtown Knoxville. For more information, please call (865) 523-7543.

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