Original Paintings by Olive Oliver

November 5-23, 2021
Original Paintings by Olive Oliver
Opening reception: Friday, November 5, 5:00-9:00 PM
Gallery hours: Monday-Friday 9 AM – 5 PM and Saturday 10 AM – 1 PM. Closed Wednesday-Saturday, November 24-27.

Olive Oliver seeks to explore the depths of abstract landscape painting. He uses an expressive style that involves bold colors, detailed lines, and texture. The subject he expounds upon is nature, specifically pertaining to the beauty of Tennessee landscapes and other places with awe-inspiring elevations and majestic valleys. His color choice draws from his own ancestral history: he is African American, and his ancestors have historical ties to the Congo, Benin Togo and the Ivory Coast, as well as parts of Eastern Europe and Ireland. Although he has not traveled to those places, he appreciates all the experiences that have brought him to this day and age, displaying a knowledge of self that is visible in each painting.

Olive Oliver is a self-taught abstract artist from Nashville, Tennessee. He is 28 years old and approaching his third year of painting. He is currently a resident of Knoxville, having moved here to experience the beauty of East Tennessee.


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