Organizational member directory
East Tennessee (with Knoxville as its cultural hub) is blessed with an especially rich diversity of artistic and cultural resources. The Alliance’s membership represents an amazing variety of performing arts venues and organizations, historical attractions, and museums. Working together, they celebrate and serve East Tennessee’s history, community, and future. Search our members by category or via the search box.
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Candoro South Knoxville Arts & Heritage
Dedicated to preserving and celebrating South Knoxville’s heritage.
Phone: (865) 607-9548
Canvas Can Do Miracles
Free Art Classes to Children, Adult Artists & Individuals with Substance Abuse Issues and who may be At-risk.
Phone: (865) 382-3599
Capoeira Fundo da Mata
Capoeira is a great combination of exercise, mobility, fun movement and expression, as well as music and Brazilian culture.
Circle Modern Dance
Provides an opportunity for area choreographers, dancers, musicians, and performance artists to showcase their work. Everyone is a dancer, and every body has the right to dance.
Phone: 509-710-9849
Clarence Brown Theatre at the University of Tennessee
Provides quality programs of study at both the graduate and undergraduate levels; supports a resident professional theatre; provides a cultural resource for both the university and the community.
Phone: 865-974-6011
Clayton Center for the Arts
A gathering place for the community; home of Maryville College fine and performing arts program; provides opportunities for the lifelong expression of the arts.
Address 502 E. Lamar Alexander Parkway Maryville TN 37803
Phone: 865-981-8590
Community School of the Arts
Formed in 1991 by a group of passionate citizens who aspired to close the gap in art and music education offered by public schools in East Tennessee.
Phone: 865-523-5684