Marcia Athens, Anne Kinggard and Lennie Robertson: Three Women!

November 5-23, 2021
Marcia Athens, Anne Kinggard and Lennie Robertson: Three Women!
Opening reception: Friday, November 5, 5:00-9:00 PM
Gallery hours: Monday-Friday 9 AM – 5 PM and Saturday 10 AM – 1 PM. Closed Wednesday-Saturday, November 24-27.

Three Women! is a new exhibition featuring work by three local artists who have long been friends, supporting one another as they each explored and grew their individual creative expression. The women all share the same spiritual path and, to one extent or another, also embrace a similar underlying visual consciousness which has led them to explore imagery that includes unique alternative perspectives. Marcia Athens embraces her internal dialogue which then arrives as vibrant imagery that invites the viewer to look within; Anne Kinggard sees unique connections between improbable objects, sometimes whimsical, causing the viewer to reconsider their own viewpoint; and Lennie Robertson sees the constant changing world and the small beauties that most frequently miss.

Marcia Athens
I work for the thrill of capturing an enchanting visual setting without the familiar locating markers. For me, it is the moment when we arrive at the extreme edges of awareness that the mystery and excitement of creating emerges. Through the intuitive process of moving paint and cold wax, planes and backdrops appear and disappear. It is in this place of both above and below that I intuitively find my way to a captured, enigmatic, sense of place.

All works have been painted in 2020 and 2021 during the Covid isolation and are oil and cold wax on wooden cradled panels. View her CV

Anne Kinggard
Background: When I began to establish myself as a serious artist in the 1970’s, I did a series of pieces that incorporated Florida skies and cloud formations approached from a very atypical perspective, not traditional realism. Ultimately I was labeled a Mystical Realist  by art critics and my fellow artists alike. My work on that series evolved into various iterations that have continued to inform my pictorial content from a unique and different perspective for the past 50+ years.

Work In This Exhibit: Nine new 30″ x 40″ acrylic paintings. For this exhibit, I decided to revisit the “sky” as the primary focus in a series of paintings. There is not an intent to embrace the standard traditional blue sky, but rather, my skies are torn, taped, folded, zipped, layered, occasionally moody, dark, and in one instance extraterrestrial. My fascination with paper airplanes reintroduces itself and becomes a primary image in several paintings, as do clothes pins and clocks.

Artist Statement: “True Art Makes the Divine Silence In the Soul Break Into Applause.”  Hafiz

View her CV

Lennie Robertson
What I’m Planning To Show
I traveled for 2 weeks with a photographer friend this summer, thru Missouri, Oklahoma, Colorado, Utah, Wyoming, Montana, South Dakota, Iowa, Illinois, Kentucky and back to Tennessee. I looked for images for our “Three Women” show and found much to please my photographic eye. I have included in this show a few images from East Tennessee pre-trip, but most are from the trip. I hope you enjoy the views I’m sharing. My images are, as always, focused on small segments of the natural and man-made pieces of our world, as they degrade and change.

Details About the Work
First and foremost, rust always catches my eye. The frequent refrain of “Ooo, look there!!” had my friend driving us to roadsides, abandoned places, old farm equipment left in fields, rusted cars, weird weathered plexiglass toadstools, and so much more. I share these visual treasures with the hope that my dream-like world of abstractions speak to you.

Artist Statement
I am drawn to the art created by the inherently changing qualities of human-made objects. Capturing the imperfect and delicate magic which occurs as nature slowly remakes and breaks down human creations. My photographic imagery therefore finds its greatest expression in the timelessness found in all things. To a certain extent, my photography reflects the Japanese philosophy of Wabi-Sabi – nothing lasts, nothing is finished, and nothing is perfect.


Juried and Invitational Exhibitions – 2014-2021
2021 Three Women Show – The Emporium Center, Knoxville, TN
Arts in the Airport Spring/Summer 2020, Tyson McGhee Airport, Knoxville, TN
2019 Artsclamation! Knoxville, TN
Arts In The Airport, Spring/Summer 2018, Tyson McGhee Airport, Knoxville, TN
Knoxville Photo 2018 – The Emporium Center, Knoxville, TN
Alzheimer’s Tennessee Show House 2018, Knoxville, TN
3 Women Show 2018, Broadway Studios & Gallery, Knoxville, TN
Arts in the Airport 2017 – Tyson McGhee Airport, Knoxville, TN
Dogwood Arts 2014 Regional Exhibition – The Art Emporium, Knoxville, TN

Photo Associations and Memberships
League of Scruffy Photographers
Southeast Center for Photography
Arts & Culture Alliance

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