Lindsay Abromaitis-Smith: Alchemy of the Sole

July 7-28, 2023
Lindsay Abromaitis-Smith: Alchemy of the Sole
Opening reception: Friday, July 7, 5:00-9:00 PM
Gallery hours: Monday-Friday 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM

Lindsay Abromaitis-Smith is an artist, herbalist, writer, and pleasure activist living with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). She is dedicated to creating beauty, sharing stories and rituals, and crafting herbal remedies that echo what is essential to being. As she continues to learn how to physically manifest differently, Abromaitis-Smith hopes to teach others that being disabled can be pleasureful and powerful while also being an act of acceptance and surrender. Abromaitis-Smith began her artistic career in puppetry and performance. After living and working in New York City for twelve years, she moved to New Jersey in early June 2015. She is living as an artist in residence at the Toshiko Takaezu Studio in Quakertown, NJ. Her art practice is currently focused on learning how to be a rooted elephant and painting/drawing using her feet. She is the mother of two tigers and loves having people over for tea.

I am a collector and teller of stories. Stories come in many forms: folktales and myths, poetry and theater, movement and form, line and color, breath and stillness, muscles, bones, energy, light and shadow. Stories are medicine. I use paint and graphite as tools with which to channel what needs to be expressed, existing in the layer beneath what meets our practical eyes. My paintings and poetry reflect my inner processing of these source energies, my personal meditations on what is feeding me. It has become a way for me to play with tapping into the rhythms, patterns and gestures of the world; to escape from narrative and get in touch with the primordial ooze that exists within all things macro and micro. I strive to create icons and images of the sacred to provide a means of nurturing both our internal and external evolutions and revelations. My hope is that the work helps guide us to the infinite possibilities of our hearts. I want to give people the keys to internal states of grace, with each other, with this earth our mother, with the elements, with source energy. I seek to unravel that which is embedded in the psyche, carried in the spine, the skin, in our breath and see what can be woven with our time together. It is my belief that these fundamental acts and interactions reveal that great but simple powers exist within us, all we need to do is express them. It is also incredibly exhilarating to squish colors between my toes and make a beautiful mess.

Instagram @alchemy_of_the_sole

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