Larry Cole: Figures, Faces and Fantasy

September 2 – October 1, 2022
Larry Cole: Figures, Faces and Fantasy
Opening reception: Friday, September 2, 5:00-9:00 PM
Gallery hours: Monday-Friday, 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM and Saturday, 10:00 AM – 1:00 PM.

Intense color, abstract shapes, and a sensation of mystery combine to establish the overall mood of this new exhibition by Larry Cole. Shadowy and obscure images of the human form suggest they have a story to tell. The artist has opened a visual portal to connect each observer to some personal memory, an encounter, or a remembered dream and a sense of deja’ vu.

A native of Tennessee, Larry Cole studied art and business at the University of Tennessee. In his early studio work, he drew inspiration from the painting techniques of professors C. Kermit Ewing and Carl Sublett, whose influence led Cole to develop his abstract expressionist painting style. He subsequently chose a career in business yet maintained a life-long interest in painting. Upon retirement, he and his wife opened a studio and gallery in the Bearden Arts District which they owned for several years. He currently works from their home in West Knoxville. Cole’s works have been showcased in solo and group exhibits in the Knoxville, Nashville and Chattanooga areas. In addition to public exhibitions and engagements, he maintains several devoted private and corporate collectors.

I rely on a myriad of shapes and colors to construct a composition that is dreamlike yet recognizable. Using obscure swirls, marks, and blocks of vivid color, I strive to create a setting that allows the story of my subjects to be interpreted differently by each observer. I work on heavily textured substrates with loose brushstrokes, often applying unmixed paint directly from the tube, a process that allows each painting to evolve from a defining base of vibrant color. My goal is to create works that are visually striking, inviting, and filled with intrigue.

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