Kit Hoefer: Animals

January 5-26, 2024
Kit Hoefer: Animals
Opening reception: Friday, January 5, 5:00-9:00 PM
Gallery hours: Monday-Friday 9 AM – 5 PM. Additional viewing hours: Tue Jan 9, 16, and 23, 6-9 PM. The Emporium will be closed on Mon Jan 15 for the holiday.

Kit Hoefer: Animals in the display case
This new exhibition features small paintings of animals incorporating frames. Kit Hoefer is an artist from East Tennessee and has shown work in Knoxville for years. She earned a degree in fine arts from the University of Tennessee. Her paintings have evolved over the years into a rich exploration of color theory and composition. She juxtaposes natural forms with manufactured patterns while considering the delicate balance of expressive colors. Her paintings attempt to invalidate the associations attached to the subjects depicted, juxtaposing them with fantastical elements, patterns and a touch of absurdity. Her subject matter has progressed over the years; recently the focus has been on animals represented as decorative elements using metallic pigment, decorative framing and pattern.

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