Kerry Remp – The Presidents: Layered Portraits of History

October 2-30, 2020
Kerry Remp – The Presidents: Layered Portraits of History
Opening reception: Friday, October 2, 5:00-8:00 PM
Gallery hours: Monday-Friday 9 AM – 5 PM

The Presidents: Layered Portraits of History has been a series that I’ve wanted to create for quite some time. For each President, I spend a few hours researching books, websites and podcasts so that I can incorporate some piece of their history into the portrait. This piece of history may be a certain background, a document, a quotation, etc. One of the joys for me is the discovery process that each piece provides: I rarely create a piece with a preconceived notion of its final state – staying open to how the creative process steers me. Because each piece is unique, the process is fresh every time. Creating each piece can take anywhere from a few hours to a number of days, depending on the complexity of the piece.

Mr. Kerry Remp is a retired NASA Engineer and professional pianist who specializes in creating unique art works in paper as well as needlework of all types. A musician since the age of three, Kerry discovered visual art, via modular origami, at age 40 and has since worked in quilling, sculpture and portraiture with paper. He has been an active member of the Arts & Culture Alliance since retiring to Seymour in 2017. In addition to individual commissions and sales, he has participated in displays/shows at the Emporium Center, Broadway Studios and Gallery and the City-County Building.

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