Kacey Noel Chumley: The Midnight Studies

February 2-24, 2024
Kacey Noel Chumley: The Midnight Studies
Opening reception: Friday, February 2, 5:00-9:00 PM
Gallery hours: Monday-Thursday, 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM; Friday, 9:00 AM – 7:00 PM; and Saturday, 10:00 AM – 1:00 PM

The Midnight Studies are a series of acrylic and oil paintings done by Kacey Noel Chumley, with the sole purpose of getting better at the craft of painting itself. Mostly done at post-midnight hours from 2021-2023, it shows experimentation with color theory, subject matter, values, and more.

As my infatuation with painting grew, the notion of colors became much more prominent in what I painted. I loved taking influence from both realism and surrealism. This exhibition aims to simply display the long hours of practice I put into painting and to show the slow progress of becoming more solid at my craft. I hope this series of paintings brings joy to the people who see it, just as it has brought joy to me to create them.

Kacey Noel Chumley is a painter, former tattoo artist, and writer from Knoxville.

https://kaceynoel.com and Instagram @_kaceynoel_

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