Judi Gaston

Suite 107
Judi Gaston
Fiber, hand-woven garments

I realize how fortunate I am to be able to carry a thread of interest and wonder from my childhood to the present.  As a child, when my mother bought me paper doll books,  I’d cut out the doll, throw away her paper doll clothes and design my own for her.  Today I am a fiber artist, designing and weaving wearables that reflect my artistic concepts.  These concepts have a patchwork of influences from my passion for travel and witnessing various cultures.  In addition, I love making wearables that have lived previous lives and often incorporate vintage or found pieces in my work, sometimes interjecting a bit of the odd or confusing because I find it more interesting than “perfection.”  The past and present is also linked in my recycle line of clothing, an environmental statement made with handwoven recycled pieces.  There is excitement in creating unique clothing because one’s personality comes into play when deciding what to wear.  I thrill in the surprise of discovery and the ability to reach out and touch people through my work.

I am a member of the Tennessee Crafts Association, The Southern Highlands Guild, and the Piedmont Crafts Guild.  I have been honored over the years to receive many awards and have my work in numerous collections.  In 2011 I was inducted into the Tennessee State Museum Fashion and Textile Institute in Nashville, Tennessee.

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