Jordan Abba: Motherhood

January 5-26, 2024
Jordan Abba: Motherhood
Opening reception: Friday, January 5, 5:00-9:00 PM
Gallery hours: Monday-Friday 9 AM – 5 PM. Additional viewing hours: Tue Jan 9, 16, and 23, 6-9 PM. The Emporium will be closed on Mon Jan 15 for the holiday.

Jordan Abba: Motherhood on the North wall
The body of work seen here is a series of mixed media paintings on watercolor paper created with mostly watercolor paint and various markers. The paintings tell the story of the transformation that occurs to a woman when she becomes a mother. The series, Motherhood, is meant to embody the emotions that are felt in the first few months of motherhood through use of line and color to create an abstract expression of the change that occurs when becoming a parent.

Jordan Abba is a Knoxville artist and art teacher. She graduated from the University of Tennessee with a Master’s in Art Education and has taught art for nine years. To Abba, teaching art is an important mission, as it is work that utilizes talent, emotions, and experiences to help children learn about themselves and tell their story. Showing students how art is deeply integrated into our daily lives and creating an experience that students enjoy – and from which they hopefully learn more about who they are as people – is a pivotal component of Abba’s teaching. As a creator, most of her work uses a combination of emotion and experience to create work that aims to tell a story. Abba creates original pieces as well as commissions; while she works in a variety of media, her primary work is acrylic or watercolor paint.
Instagram: @jordanabbaart
Facebook: Jordan Abba Art

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