Join or Renew!
Membership is open to all! East Tennessee depends upon the support of dedicated people and organizations committed to strengthening our region’s arts and culture. Show your support by joining the Arts & Culture Alliance today! Membership is for one year from the date of joining.
INDIVIDUALS: Fill out the form online
For renewing members: if your contact information and other credentials remain the same, there is no need to fill out a form. Individual membership fees are:
- $78 for General (e-mail communication only) / $75 by check
- $108 for Family (multiple e-mail addresses) / $105 by check
- I don’t have the funds to pay for membership, so I’ll pay what I can.
ORGANIZATIONS: Fill out the form online
Organizational membership fees are:
- $50 for annual budget between $0-$25,000
- $90 for annual budget between $25,000-$50,000
- $145 for annual budget $50,000 or higher
Please make a secure card payment via Stripe at, scan the QR code below, or mail a check to Arts & Culture Alliance, PO Box 2506, Knoxville, TN 37901-2506. Accepted payment types include debit and credit cards.
**ROUND UP your membership fee and make a donation in support of the GRACE Fund (Giving Relief to Arts & Culture in Emergencies). Just add any extra donation amount to your membership payment.
Membership Benefits
Whether producing art in your private studio or working in the offices of a large cultural organization, the effort to create and nurture our region’s arts and culture should not feel like a solitary endeavor. One of the greatest benefits of membership with the Alliance is an immediate opportunity to connect with other artists, organizations, and supporters who share your concerns, experiences, and vision. Through gallery receptions, political advocacy meetings, social functions, and other events, Alliance members have the opportunity to network and build a community.
The following benefits are available to individual members:
ArtsFlash! newsletter is a bi-weekly publication that contains information on local and national juried competitions, commission opportunities, residencies, events, workshops, conferences, local arts news, job openings, arts advocacy, and more;
Eligibility* for Bailey Opportunity grants to support artistic and administrative growth, and information about the other grants we offer;
Exhibition Opportunities, including an annual Members Show, twice-yearly exhibitions in the City and County Mayors’ offices, discounts for juried shows, and discounts for exhibiting at the Emporium;
Cash Award Opportunities: At most of our juried shows, we offer an additional prize for “Best Work by an Alliance member”;
Online Shop: Offer up to three of your works for sale year-round through our online shop at;
Membership Directory that lists and provides descriptive information, images, and contact information for area artists;
Jerry’s Club Membership: Individual members can purchase membership in Jerry’s Club for $9.99 ($25 value) from Jerry’s Artarama, the region’s largest resource for art supplies and discount framing, entitling members to 10% off all non-sale purchases.
*Membership does not automatically make an individual or organization eligible for grants; see each specific grant for details.
The following benefits are available to organizations:
The Arts Admin newsletter is a bi-weekly newsletter with grant opportunities and deadlines, professional development seminars, workplace information, and other news directly relevant to your positions;
Eligibility* for Bailey Opportunity grants to support artistic and administrative growth, and information about the other grants we offer;
Increase the public’s awareness of your events by including them in our comprehensive calendar at, which receives thousands of visitors a week;
Publicity Guide: We offer a comprehensive listing of media outlets and contacts to help our members with marketing and publicity;
Advocacy Assistance: Including personal meetings and receptions with elected officials, distribution of advocacy alerts, letter-writing campaigns, arranging for participation in Arts Advocacy Day, and making available contact information for Tennessee Arts Commissioners and City, County, and State representatives;
Co-Op Advertising/Marketing: Coordinating our members efforts in the Penny4Arts program;
Membership Directory that lists and provides descriptive information, images, and contact information for area artists and arts and culture organizations.
*Membership does not automatically make an individual or organization eligible for grants; see each specific grant for details.