Jack Retterer – POETOGRAPHY; Blending Poetry and Photography

April 4-26, 2025
Jack Retterer – POETOGRAPHY; Blending Poetry and Photography
Opening reception: Friday, April 4, 5:00-9:00 PM
Gallery hours: Mon-Fri 9-5; Sat 10-1. Closed on Mon Apr 21 for the holiday.
Additional hours: Thu Apr 10, Fri Apr 18, and Thu Apr 24, 5-7 PM (Gallery 1010 openings); Thu Apr 17, 6-9 PM (jazz performance)

POETAGRAPHY … Blending poetry and photography. On the surface, poetry and photography appear to be two very different and unrelated art forms. But, as legitimate arts forms, they have much in common. Both help us explore, communicate and understand the human experience. Both can bring our deepest emotions to the surface. They can also help us recognize how we are all more alike than different. As an artist, poet and photographer, my biggest challenge is maintaining a balance in my Poetagraphy creations so that the poetry is not just a caption nor is the image simply an illustration. Each poem and image must be able to stand on its own, and when presented together, create a new and more complete emotional experience beyond what either can accomplish alone.

Jack Retterer is a teacher, photographer and poet in East Tennessee.  Originally from the Chicago area, he was introduced to photography at age 16.  Early education in photography came from a combination of trial and error experiences and self study of  photography by  Ansel Adams, Edward Weston, Dorothea Lange, Henri Cartier-Bresson, Yosef  Karsh and others.   Eventually, he was able to take photography classes at the Chicago School of Photography. Frequent attendance at workshops, photography club seminars and conferences helped further his skills as a photographer. Before moving to Tennessee , Jack taught photography at Benedictine University in Naperville, Illinois. He says his greatest learning experience came when he accepted the challenge to create and teach basic and advanced photography classes at Benedictine University.

Jack currently teaches  “Fine Art Photography”  at the University of Tennessee in Knoxville, Tennessee. He is also active as a teacher and speaker for art and photography groups.

In his journey as an artist, Jack came to realize that poetry is an art form that shares the sames goals as photography.  Each art form communicates the universal human experience by capturing and sharing moments in time.  Presented together properly, poetry and photography can create a new and more complete emotional experience beyond what either can accomplish alone. Jack’s work has sold and received recognition in numerous Tennessee venues including the Art Market Gallery of Knoxville, the Emporium Art Gallery in Knoxville, the “Arts in the Airport” exposition at the McGee Tyson Airport, the Knoxville Mayor’s office , the Knox County Mayor’s office, the Creative Arts Center in Fairfield Glade, Art Guild in Tellico Village, the Clayton Center for the Arts,  Fountain City Art Gallery, the Athens Tennessee Arts Center, the Arts Circle Library in Crossville and the Oak Ridge Arts Center.

Jack’s present and past professional affiliations and memberships include:
Professional Photographers of America
Professional Photographer of East Tennessee
Tennessee Artists Association
Knoxville Arts and Culture Alliance
Juried member of the Art Market Gallery
Art Guild of Fairfield Glade
Tellico Village Art Guild
Foothills Craft Guild
The Tennessee Poetry Society

Jack has also served on the boards of artist and photography associations in both Tennessee and Illinois. For more information, visit www.jackrettererphotography.com

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