Jack Retterer: Languages of Art

August 5-27, 2022
Jack Retterer: Languages of Art
Opening reception: Friday, August 5, 5:00-9:00 PM
Gallery hours: Monday-Friday, 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM and Saturday, August 27, 10:00 AM – 1:00 PM.

Art, in its purest form, often communicates deep and strong feelings, private thoughts or shared events in the human experience. The Languages of Art is an exploration of these human experiences through both photographic and verbal artistic skills. As with any artistic endeavor, this work continues to evolve. Jack Retterer first created photography to be followed up with a poetic interpretation of each image. However, he soon began to write the poems first and then seek an ideal image to reinforce the feelings, thoughts and shared events of the poem. With one exception, both the photos and related poetry in this new exhibition are wholly his creations. The one exception features one of Retterer’s poems paired (with permission) with an image created by fellow photographer, Steve Olson.

Jack Retterer is a fine art photographer, teacher and poet who is active in the arts community in East Tennessee. His American Impressionist style photography and large canvas prints have been on display and offered for purchase through the Art Market Gallery, Arts & Culture Alliance, Tennessee Artists Association, Plateau Arts Center in Crossville, Art Guild of Tellico Village, Arts at the Airport at McGhee Tyson Airport, Mayors’ Offices exhibitions, Clayton Center for the Arts, Rarity Bay Community Center, Fountain City Arts Center, Loudon County Visitors’ Center, Oak Ridge Art Gallery and the Venue Conference Center in Lenoir City. Prior to his move to East Tennessee, Retterer taught photography at Benedictine University in Naperville, Illinois. Currently, he teaches Fine Art Photography at the University of Tennessee. He is also active in presenting photography classes and presentations through regional art guilds, photography clubs and art organization across Tennessee.


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