International Latino Art Exhibition II: Art for Integration

May 4-25, 2018
International Latino Art Exhibition II: Art for Integration
Opening reception: Friday, May 4, 5:00-9:00 PM
Exhibition hours are Monday-Friday, 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM. Please note, the Emporium will be closed on Monday, May 28, for the holiday.

This biennial exhibition provides an overview of what is happening with Latin American contemporary art and seeks to continue promoting cultural integration and diversity. Curated by Dina R. Ruta, the exhibition features thirteen art masters and emerging artists from seven countries who have excelled in their careers, having been consecrated winners of biennials and international competitions.

The featured artists include:

  • Argentina: Masters Eduardo Lozano and Liliana Jones and Ángel Barón Da Conte
  • Colombia: Master Orlando García Camacho
  • Honduras: Master Santos Arzú Quioto and Luis Landa
  • Peru: Master Pedro Fuertes Bolaño, Dora López Prieto and Guido Garaycochea
  • México: Master Jose Luis Malo and Veronica Jimenez
  • Venezuela: Master Patricia Quevedo
  • United States: James Taylor

Each work presented is a range of multiple colors and meanings with well-elaborated symbolism, suggestive shapes and images. “The works unfold in a varied gesture and give us an effect of delight, of constant movement, of not belonging to a place,” says Dina Ruta. “The works speak of the artist, but like magic, a viewer of another country or culture is able to feel identified in it.” The works create a poetic link between the emotional universe of the artist and the viewer.

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