Individual member directory
The Alliance’s membership represents an amazing variety of artists, many of whom are also teachers. Search our members by category or via the search box.
Paula Shahid
Acrylic, Clay, Collage, Drawing, Mixed media, Murals, Pastel, Watermedia
(865) 282-9533
Crystal Sharp
Acrylic, watercolor
Eric Sherwood
Clay, Drawing, Installation, Literary arts, Mixed media, Musician, Oil, Pastel, Photography, Printmaking, Video arts, Woodworking
(865) 607-7130
Valerie Sigmon
Mixed media
J. (Jennifer) Simon
Collage, Mixed media, Watermedia
Robert Simon
Ink drawings with gel pens and acrylic paint on illustration board
Ruchi Singh
Digital arts, Graphic design, Installation, Literary arts, Mixed media, Photography, Theatre arts, Video arts, Drawing, Experience Design, performance
Rebecca J. Smedley
Clay, Fiber arts, Brooms and Basketry
Summer Smith
Acrylic, Clay, Collage, Drawing, Mixed media, Watermedia