Images from Around by Jennifer Henszey

November 4-26, 2022
Images from Around by Jennifer Henszey
Opening reception: Friday, November 4, 5:00-9:00 PM
Gallery hours: Monday-Friday, 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM and Saturday, 10:00 AM – 1:00 PM. Closed Wed-Fri Nov 23-25, re-opening Sat Nov 26

Within the last year, I took up photography as a hobby to heal. I found the more I embraced life’s tumultuous events and opened myself up in gratitude to the world around me, the more the world revealed much for which to be grateful. I began noticing beauty in the simplest things, and even envisioned in my mind’s eye the potential for beauty to exist in the ordinary… so I snapped the picture and then created what I envisioned in my mind. I am not a professional or seasoned artist by any means, but in a season of growth, I am finding myself creating what feels like art. I am pleased to present photographs of images from around Virginia, Maryland, and Tennessee, all captured using an iPhone camera.

Jennifer Henszey was born and raised in Cambridge on Maryland’s Eastern Shore. After graduating high school, she attended Virginia Tech where she received her commission as an officer in the United States Navy. She served as a naval Surface Warfare Officer from 2008 to 2021. She graduated from law school at the University of Tennessee in 2018 and recently returned to the University of Tennessee in 2021 to pursue a Masters in Social Work. She proudly claims Knoxville as her permanent home where she enjoys the people, music, and culture, all of which also inspire her to create.

Instagram @images_from_around

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