Genna Sellers: Courting Doubt

February 2-24 2024
Genna Sellers: Courting Doubt
Opening reception: Friday, February 2, 5:00-9:00 PM
Gallery hours: Monday-Thursday, 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM; Friday, 9:00 AM – 7:00 PM; and Saturday, 10:00 AM – 1:00 PM

Genna Sellers, a Certified Professional Photographer (CPP), has been honored with numerous awards, including Tennessee Professional Photographer of the Year, Tennessee Top 10 Photographer of the Year, and many Best of Show and Judges Choice awards. Her images have been included in the International Photographic Competition’s (IPC) prestigious Loan Collection numerable times. She has presented multiple workshops for the American Institute of Architects, Professional Photographers of America, and TN Professional Photographers Association. She has served on the faculty of Pellissippi State Community College and is a current member of the Advisory Board for the Media Technology Department at PSTCC.

Using everyday items such as paper and plastic, my photographs explore the liminal space between what is real, what is simulated, and what is imagined. My work explores the tension between representation and abstraction, hoping to provoke deeper questions about the nature of perceived reality, inviting the viewer to ask if an image is real, surreal, or even a simulation? I strive to create evocative visuals that move my audience into a space of meditation and reflection, one that encourages an understanding of the complexities of reality.

Two monks are arguing about a flag. One says, “The flag is moving.” The other, “The wind is moving.” A third walks by and says, “Not the wind, not the flag; the mind is moving.”
Traditional Zen Koan

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