Four Dames, Four Seasons

October 7-29, 2022
Four Dames, Four Seasons
Opening reception: Friday, October 7, 5:00-9:00 PM
Gallery hours: Monday-Friday, 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM and Saturday, 10:00 AM – 1:00 PM

When four women of diverse backgrounds, interests and tastes come together out of their mutual appreciation and admiration for artistic expression, the results are lively and fascinating. The variation in color, texture, and ideas encourages repeated viewing of this new exhibition by Linda Blair, Cheryl Massey, Leesa Osburn and Marcia Shelly. Through acrylic, oil, and watercolor, each “dame” has been free to explore, enjoy and express each of the four seasons in her own way.

Linda Blair
Watercolors are my first painting choice — the colors blend from quiet to joyful, and there seems to always be a new skill or new perception to bring to the work. I am presently drawn to butterflies for their quiet beauty; and, as many species are in difficult times, perhaps presenting them in pictures will increase public awareness.

Cheryl Massey
“Cherdo” is a self-taught artist and Tennessee native. She is a lifelong enthusiast of paint, pencil, and pastels. My artistic process starts with an observation with which my mind cannot seem to part and ends with the beautiful hues that finally set it free on the canvas. I adore works that pop with bold strokes of colorful imagination, and drawing and painting in a variety of media fuels my creative spirit. Instagram @instacherdo

Leesa Osburn
I am always looking for a subject that is intriguing in a new way to me, whether is the subject matter or the atmospheric conditions. What catches my eye is something that I haven’t attempted before. I do not usually attempt the same subject twice.

Marcia Shelly
I am drawn to the way light touches an object and how it changes the object’s base color. I add complementary colors to enhance the object in a dramatic way.

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