Floral Photographs by Anthony Owsley

October 4-25, 2019
Floral Photographs by Anthony Owsley
Opening reception: Friday, October 4, 5:00-9:00 PM
Gallery hours: Monday-Friday, 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM

Anthony Owsley grew up in Knoxville but spent the majority of his life in Georgia where he attended The Art Institute of Atlanta. While living in Atlanta, he pursued a variety of creative ventures including cartooning, illustration, puppeteering, animation and theater. He was a member of the notorious Atlanta art collective 800 East from its inception in 1990 to its dissolution in 1998. He also served as comics editor for several alternative newspapers in the metro Atlanta region. Since relocating to Knoxville, Owsley has taken a passion for photography. His third exhibition includes a collection of floral photographs.

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