Ephemerality: Works by Charlotte Brindley

March 5-26, 2021
Ephemerality: Works by Charlotte Brindley
Opening reception: Friday, March 5, 5:00-8:00 PM
Gallery hours: Monday-Friday 9 AM – 5 PM

Beauty can be both resplendent and macabre. I see the goodness of the world, but I also see the darkness. Tragedy and beauty are complimentary enigmas. I hearken back to the Gothic and Italian Renaissance eras of art history for my creations. In some of my paintings, I create works inspired by the tiny pages of illuminated manuscripts on a large scale. Other pieces are more straightforward and symbolic. By breathing life into the illuminated pages of the ancient past, I find inspiration to explore the realms of my imagination. Times long gone by are as familiar as the present.

My work explores themes of injustice, impermanence, and depravity, but also passion, joy, and what is beautiful beyond words. In the end, my works are an extension of myself and how I see the world around me.

Charlotte Brindley was born in Nashville, Tennessee, and recently moved to the Knoxville area. She received her B.A. in Art History and M.A. in Folk Studies/Historic Preservation from Western Kentucky University. A love for art, history, architecture, and cultural heritage prompted Charlotte to pursue her multiple degrees. She has worked at museums such as the Kentucky Museum in Bowling Green, the Hermitage in Nashville, and now Rose Center Council for the Arts in Morristown. A person with various interests, on a day off you’ll find Brindley exploring abandoned old houses, reading about ancient cultures, making historical costumes, watching old movies and historical dramas, hiking in the Smoky Mountains, or trying teas from around the world. For more information:


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