Dream in Color by Debbie Wills

May 4-25, 2018
Dream in Color by Debbie Wills
Opening reception: Friday, May 4, 5:00-9:00 PM
Exhibition hours are Monday-Friday, 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM. Please note, the Emporium will be closed on Monday, May 28, for the holiday.

Debbie Wills is inspired by the beauty of the world around her, memories, moments in time and the many emotions that are experienced in life. Color has the ability to move us in so many different ways; it can bring us to tears or fill our hearts with joy. It can capture our souls and take us to another level. Color is a beautiful commonality shared by all.

Debbie Wills’ passion for art began the moment she was able to pick up a crayon and create. Since then, she has expanded to alcohol inks, acrylics, watercolor and mixed media and enjoys trying new techniques and mediums. Wills studied at the Milwaukee Institute of Art and Design. She also taught art classes and enjoyed it wholeheartedly. “Art has always been a constant in my life,” she says. “It fills a place in my heart that nothing else can. I am almost an empty nester, and because art is therapy for my soul, I plan to create as much as possible in this new season of my life.”

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