Dick Wills: Celebrate Color

August 4-25, 2017
Dick Wills: Celebrate Color
Opening reception: Friday, August 4, 5:00-9:00 PM

Exhibition hours are Monday-Friday, 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM.

Dick Wills is an older adult with a broad background and many hobbies. A Chemical Engineer by training, he owns and operates a manufacturing company in West Knoxville. He plays over 20 instruments and is a member of his church music worship program. Wills frequents the gym and hikes as much as possible. Several times each year, he travels to the northwest to search for and excavate dinosaur fossils.

His art is multimedia: he utilizes oil, acrylic, dye, watercolor and more for paper and tissue collages and canvas/other surfaces. “Colors are full of joy and are therapeutic,” says Wills. “They attract the eye and lift the spirit. It is not so much what you see, but how you feel when you see it. Simple color and form can change your attitude and brighten your day in one look.”

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