CT Kellar: Paper Work

May 3-31, 2024
CT Kellar: Paper Work
Opening reception: Friday, May 3, 5:00-9:00 PM
Gallery hours: Monday-Friday, 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM and Saturday (May 4 & 11), 10:00 AM – 1:00 PM. Additional gallery hours from 5:00-7:00 PM for a Gallery 1010 opening on Fri May 10.

CT Kellar was born the son of a Southern Baptist minister and counts as his heritage the red dirt and green pines of the Sierra foothills. Wanderlust has led him to live on a boat in Monterey Bay, in a repurposed orphanage in Northern California, in a restored Victorian in Juneau, Alaska, and now in his current art-filled bungalow in Knoxville.
Kellar has reinvented himself multiple times, on both the professional front: sportswriter, house painter, high-tech sales guy, social worker; and creatively: frontman for an indie rock band, poet, playwright, and now, collage artist.

Artist statement:
My name is CT Kellar.
Servitude to the muse is nothing new for me, but working as a visual artist was not something I had done until 2022.
Two things happened that lit my creative fuse: I watched a documentary about collage artist Lance Letscher, and I moved to Juneau, Alaska. The lack of sunshine there due to the weather and the shortness of days became a bit debilitating. The idea of assembling elements of color without being constrained by form or direction was an immediate mood lifter. Snow, rain and darkness become much more bearable when caught up in the work of creating pieces leaning heavily on primary colors.

I now live in Knoxville, Tennessee, but my immersion in this medium has continued. The satisfaction I gain from making art owes much to randomness, spontaneity and surprise.

I’ve heard the universe expands at a speed of about 150,000 miles per hour. That’s 73.3 kilometers of creative energy released each second. If “we are all made in God’s image” is true, maybe it’s fitting for all of us to keep busy birthing stars of our own.

Instagram @juneau.blade.runner

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