Confluence: Raku Pottery by Rex Redd

August 3-31, 2018
Confluence: Raku Pottery by Rex Redd
Opening reception: Friday, August 3, 5:00-9:00 PM
Exhibition hours are Monday-Friday, 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM.

As a native Montanan, Rex Redd had the blessing of growing up immersed in natural beauty. Redd attended the University of Montana at Missoula where he graduated with a degree in Anthropology, and his love for historical cultures and traditions from around the world is an influence throughout his body of work. After moving to East Tennessee, Redd met Bill Capshaw and worked with the pottery program at the Oak Ridge Art Center. He works in several other mediums including painting, printmaking, photography and wood, often incorporating more than one into a project. He has work in several private and corporate collections throughout the United States, as well as Europe, Japan, and Australia.

Confluence – An act or process of merging. As a mixed media artist, this concept is nothing new to Redd’s work. Bringing together a variety of materials to make a cohesive piece of work is at once challenging and rewarding. But what happens when over the years you have worked in several unrelated disciplines? Recently, one of his students asked, “How do you decide on any given day what you’re going to work on?” This show is in response to that question and includes traditional and cross-disciplinary raku work. “I never set aside one art form to pursue another out of boredom,” says Redd. “Something I was doing sparked a desire to explore more creative avenues. This amalgam of acquired skills and interests led me to a personal crossroads; either pick one and concentrate on that discipline, or bring them all together and see what comes of it. Therein lies the confluence.” For more information, please visit

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