Complexity 2022: Innovations in Weaving

July 1-29, 2022
Complexity 2022: Innovations in Weaving
Opening reception: Friday, July 1, 5:00-9:00 PM
Gallery hours: Monday-Friday, 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM; Monday July 18 and Tuesday July 19, 9:00 AM – 7:00 PM

Complexity 2022 is Complex Weavers’ biennial juried international members’ exhibition featuring works that employ complex weave structures. Complex weaving is defined by the cloth produced and the mind it took to create it, not by the equipment used. This year 29 works will be presented including wall art, fiber sculpture, wearables, yardage and home textiles.

Complex Weavers Seminars, an educational conference, will be held in downtown Knoxville July 10-13.

A panel of three jurors, each specializing in a different form of fiber art and craft, selected the work based on originality of design, effective use of complexity through weave structure, technical excellence, visual impact, effective use of color palette and surface embellishments, construction and finishing techniques that aesthetically enhance the work.

Jurors also selected winners of four awards given by Complex Weavers, as well as special awards from the Handweavers Guild of America, Surface Design Association, Heddlecraft® and Treenway Silks.

“The jurors were impressed with both the variety of the work submitted this year and the creativity and skill displayed by the entrants,” said Karen Donde, Complexity 2022 chair. “It will be a beautiful and exciting show, exemplifying Complex Weavers’ goals that Complexity serve as a vehicle to share information related to the art of complex weaving and promote the work of CW among our members, other weavers and the general public.”

Complex Weavers is a nonprofit corporation dedicated to expanding the boundaries of handweaving, encouraging weavers to develop their own creative styles and inspiring advancement through research, documentation and the sharing of innovative ideas.

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