Christian Freeman: Solitude

August 4-25, 2023
Christian Freeman: Solitude
Opening reception: Friday, August 4, 5:00-9:00 PM
Gallery hours: Monday-Friday 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM; Tuesdays 6:00-9:00 PM; Saturday, August 26 (only), 10:00 AM – 1:00 PM

My current body of work is a lovingly created group of abstract landscapes encompassing color and glazes I achieved through knife painting techniques. By allowing the strokes and shapes of the paint to form the subject matter, I relied on the process of creating and energy to finalize these works. The freeing process of this type of painting has become just as important to me as the finished product. It is a combination of chance, accident, energy, composition, contrast, and emotion. I hope to leave viewers moved by beauty and emotion the way the impressionist and expressionists inspired me.

Christian Freeman is a Knoxville native with a BFA degree from the University of Tennessee. Having begun her career working with the Symphony Showcase Homes and Parade of Homes painting murals and custom finishes, she has completed countless residential and commercial projects and has the ability to work on any scale within current budgets. Her work is her passion as she transforms homes and businesses into functional as well as aesthetically beautiful spaces. She completed a well-known local mural of ladies in the windows at Patrick Sullivan’s (Old City) which auctioned off several years ago by Knox Heritage. Freeman is also an accomplished canvas painter and art instructor, and she continues to create, teach, and consult currently in the Knoxville area and beyond.

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