Charles Peters: Action Paintings

October 5-26, 2018
Charles Peters: Action Paintings
Opening reception: Friday, October 5, 5:00-9:00 PM
Exhibition hours are Monday-Friday, 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM.

Charles Peters will display paintings made with oil/enamel, charcoal, sand, and/or collage. Although Peters has taken many art classes, he is primarily self-taught. He uses books, online courses, documentaries, and other resources to study technique and art history. “I paint everything I see and every way it makes me feel,” he says, “There is no single subject in my work.”

Artist statement: “Artists are forced out of their own free will to paint.” – Willem De Kooning. My work, to me, is instinctual; I do it as an infant breathes. If I am not an artist in this life, I’m not anything. I’m unhappiness, I’m terror. I paint my chaos so that I may live one day in peace. I work hard to make a living out of my art, and I will thankfully go wherever this life takes me.

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