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Artist Studios

Iryna Lialko & Amy Sabatier Designs

Suite 108 Iryna Lialko Drawing, Pastel, Egg tempera, gilding Amy Sabatier Designs

Alex Smith

Suite 111 Alex Smith is an American artist. His work illuminates reality and allows his audience a glimpse of how a landscape …

Gallery 1010

Suite 114 Gallery 1010 Gallery 1010 is a contemporary art exhibition space located in the Emporium Center on Gay Street in …

Judi Gaston

Suite 107 Judi Gaston Fiber, hand-woven garments I realize how fortunate I am to be able to carry a thread of interest …

W. James Taylor | Geneva Galleries

Suite 102 W. James Taylor | Geneva Galleries Chalk Pastel Painter, Publisher & Musician W James Taylor is a contemporary Fine …

Gayla D. Seale

Suite 110 Gayla D. Seale I am a creator and painter of original works of art with themes which include the …

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