Casey Field: Our Quiet Attention

October 7-29, 2022
Casey Field: Our Quiet Attention
Opening reception: Friday, October 7, 5:00-9:00 PM
Gallery hours: Monday-Friday, 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM and Saturday, 10:00 AM – 1:00 PM

Our Quiet Attention is a collection of works representing self-exploration and contemplation on the creative path. The show includes oil paintings and drawings created in 2022 by Casey Field. In her inaugural exhibition, the subject matter explores the building blocks for creating personal, figurative art. The artist’s current explorations in artmaking include the use of personal stories, the feminine as sacred, and the portrait as a portal to the universal. Field creates art in the subgenre of contemporary classical figurative art.

The title of this collection of artwork comes from the idea that an intentional devotion to any pursuit–artistic or otherwise–requires a certain amount of thoughtful dedication. Field is a student of classical drawing, and her figure drawings are an exploration of the beauty of the human form. The show also includes small studies of seashells that have been drawn from life as a contemplative practice. The oil paintings in this show are primarily autobiographical portraits. As a mother living in East Tennessee, her subject matter often involves personal stories of childhood and nature.

Casey Field is a Knoxville native who began painting a few years ago. She currently studies Classical drawing with American figurative artist Patricia Watwood. When she is not painting or drawing, Field is hanging out with her husband, two daughters and two cats in South Knoxville.
Instagram at @caseyfieldart

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